Saturday, March 8, 2008

Video game philosophy

My general feeling on video games is: if there is no gun, I don't go. However, after buying a Wii (thanks, Craigslist), I am changing my position. This thing changes the way games will be thought of. My wife would never consider playing Halo 3. She likely wonders why I sit and fume about getting run over by a virtual Jeep with a machine gun attached to it.

But she LOVES bowling on the Wii. 

And after playing it some, I now see how this works. It is the ultimate party game. You get everyone involved, bouncing around and laughing. It is a natural ice breaker with no "what card can I play now?" questions. It is just pure fun.

So my XBox 360 lives in peace with the Wii, and I am now happy throwing a virtual ball rather than bullets every time.

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